On the first season of The FitMoney Podcast, we've introduced you to parents, authors, educators, entrepreneurs, and more. Across every interview and every episode there's been at least one message in common: Students need financial literacy.
However, delivering on that need isn't as simple as agreeing on it. Students and families everywhere face different hurdles to becoming financially literate. At FitMoney, we're dedicated to delivering free, quality, and impactful financial literacy opportunities to students everywhere.
With The FitMoney Podcast, our goal is to demonstrate that talking about money doesn't have to be as intimidating as you may think. We've pulled together some of our favorite takeaways from the season to inspire conversations of your own.
In our conversation with Amy Pridemore, Executive Director of the Virginia Credit Union Financial Success Center, we talked about how college athletes are being educated on their financial future when they need the skills most. With host Jessica Pelletier, they discussed how students are learning that making more money doesn't solve problems, but knowing to manage and make whatever your income may be work of you is the real indicator of being financially fit.
When Certified Financial Planner and author of Launching Financial Grownups Bobbi Rebell joined us, we discussed the importance of teaching and encouraging financial independence for your kids. As our kids grow up, they need to learn to fulfill their own needs themselves. How can you aid the transition? Tune in to our episode on raising financially smart kids.
Founder and CEO of Her First $100K, Tori Dunlap, spoke with Jessica on her journey of saving $100K by the time she turned 25 years old. Together, they spoke about the different hardships minorities face when building their own financial futures, how we can overcome them, and how her community across the country is learning from one another the financial skills to build the futures they want. Want to learn more about what young investors should know, and how you can help get them there? Tune in to our conversation with Tori.
Matt Trogdon, Financial Planner and Workshop Instructor with the Babson Financial Literacy Project, shared with us what consumers should know when looking for financial information online. Today, many young consumers and students are learning how to manage their money on social media. With no filter on what is true (and what isn't), it's important to provide quality, substantive resources so they can customize their own financial ambitions and plans around reliable information.
Want to know what to look for? Listen to the episode with Matt now.
With John Ganss, business teacher at Cape Cod Regional Technical High School, we discussed the vocational school model and how they're working towards further financial education for their students. Financial literacy is important for those college-bound, but for those entering the work force today, financial skills help them get (and keep!) high paying jobs and opportunities.