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How to Talk to Kids About Budgeting

Teaching kids about budgeting can happen right at the kitchen table

Budgeting can be difficult to discuss for adults, let alone with kids. But teaching your children about budgeting and money management is an important life skill.

Here are some tips on how to talk to your kids about budgeting in a way that is supportive and informative. By starting early, you're giving them a lifetime ahead to practice healthy financial behaviors.

Talk about why budgeting is important

Budgeting is an important tool that can help you balance your needs and wants while also providing room to make big financial decisions. By regularly creating a detailed budget, you can compare your income to your expenses and see just how much money you have available to put towards specific causes or goals. Doing this makes it easier to stick to what you actually need rather than racking up unnecessary expenses. Additionally, budgeting gives insight into patterns of spending habits over time, allowing for more mindful planning of when something truly needs to be bought versus when it's simply a want. Learning how to budget smarter will leave more funds available for the things that matter most in life.

Explain what a budget is and how it works

A budget is an organized approach to spending. It helps you set aside money for upcoming necessary expenses while also creating room in the budget for some discretionary spending. A budget allows you to identify where your money is going, and it can help you allocate resources to where they are most important. To create a budget, start by tallying all of your monthly income and add up all of your necessary expenses such as food, housing and utilities. This will give you an idea of how much money is available for discretionary expenses such as entertainment, eating out or vacations. Once these expenses have been tallied and subtracted from your income, you need to determine if there is any surplus money which can be saved or invested into something else. While creating a budget can feel overwhelming at first, taking the time to plan ahead can save stress down the road.

Teaching kids about budgeting can simply be walking them through your own budgeting

Give examples of ways to save money

Saving money can be hard and overwhelming, but there are many simple tips that you can apply to your daily life to help you save more. One great way to start is budgeting - tracking all of your expenses and making sure that what you spend doesn't exceed your income. Next, try cutting out unnecessary expenses like eating out or expensive coffees every day. Finally, when considering big purchases such as a new car or computer, shop around for the best deals and look for items on sale or get creative with DIY projects. All of these are great ways to start saving money and reducing your spending without totally sacrificing the things that make you happy in life.

Help them set up a savings plan

Setting up a savings plan for kids can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! With the right mindset and approach, you can instill great financial habits in children that will help them build a successful future. You'll want to start by pressing upon the importance of saving: explain why having money set aside for emergencies or unexpected expenses (such as college tuition) is necessary and beneficial. Next, choose an appropriate savings plan with realistic goals: low-cost options such as putting money into an interest-bearing savings account or setting up a 529 plan are great starting points. Most importantly, kids need to understand that if they spend less than they earn they can consistently grow their savings month-over-month and turn this practice into a lifelong habit. So don't delay – start helping your kids foster financial independence and success today!

Budgeting can be a difficult but essential part of managing your finances. It’s important to create a plan and stick to it in order to help you reach your savings goals. With careful planning and dedicated effort, we can ensure the next generation of spenders is one full of financially fit leaders!

The best way to get started? Join FitMoney's free financial literacy platform for K-6... the $uperSquad! Now, students can practice and explore foundational financial skills like budgeting. Get started for free.

Kids can learn about budgeting with FitMoney's $uperSquad


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