FitMoney is a philanthropic nonprofit providing free, unbiased financial literacy programs to help K-12 students develop life skills for a financially fit future.
What We Do
FitMoney provides a variety of free and accessible financial literacy programs to meet students, educators and caregivers where they are.

It is critical to begin teaching financial literacy starting in kindergarten and reinforcing yearly. Research shows that financial behaviors are formed in children by the age of 7. FitMoney is one of the only programs that starts before financial habits are formed.
FitMoney's unbiased K-12 financial literacy curriculum is free and accessible for all. We provide both instructor-led tools for teachers and classrooms and new digital courses for learning beyond the classroom. Building financially fit communities that adopt sound financial habits, take full advantage of college savings and retirement programs, and control their financial outcomes benefits us all.
We must instill a strong work ethic in youth to empower them to earn and manage their financial futures.
By reinforcing the value of work early, we can help children understand how they can earn money to achieve their financial goals and become self-sufficient. FitMoney incorporates at least one lesson in each grade that focuses on working and earning. Lessons include exploring careers, starting a business, and creating an economy system in the classroom with jobs and expenses.
Financial literacy impacts everyone, with a disproportionate effect on communities of color and lower-income households.
We provide practical and motivating ways to save so students and families can own their financial outcomes. We must create a culture of saving as living expenses and debt levels rise, income disparity grows and college costs skyrocket. Today it is too convenient to spend with the click of a button, making poor financial choices far too easy. By age 5 kids are often navigating in-app purchases and teens have debit and credit cards. Putting an emphasis on savings starting in kindergarten will help curb out of control spending and borrowing in future years.

FitMoney is a proud national Jump$tart partner.